The Setup Menu Screen
AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual 3-37
The destination of a line jump spec ified in the sequence table is greater
than the number of lines in the sequence table.
Equation Files. You cannot load an equation f i l e to out put a signa l. You must first
compile the equation file into a .wfm file prior to l oading the waveform file.
View This button lets you view a loaded waveform by pushing the View side menu
button. The instrument opens a window on the screen and displays the loaded
waveform. Push the OK side button to close the view window.
Edit... This button opens the appropriate editor for a loaded waveform, pattern, or
sequence file. Do the following steps to ed it a loaded waveform or sequence file:
1. Push SETUP (front)!Waveform/Sequence (bottom)!Edit... (side).
The instrument opens the appropriate editor for the loaded waveform.
NOTE. The waveform and pattern edito rs have an output auto–update functio n that
can update the output waveform while you are editing the file. It has two modes:
Auto and Manual. Auto updates the wave form memory whene ver ther e ar e chang es
to the edit buffer . Manual updat es waveform memor y when you save the file . To set
the auto–update mode, push the Settings bottom menu button fr om an editor scr een.