xx AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual
This manual uses the following conventions:
Front–panel button and control labels are printed in the manual in upper case
text. For example, SETUP, SHIFT, APPL. If it is part of a procedure, the
button or control label is printed in boldface. For example, Select SETUP.
Menu and on–screen form titles are printed in the manual in the same case
(initial capitals or all uppercase) as they appear on the instrument screen (for
example, Offset Vertical). If it is part of a procedure, the menu title is shown
in boldface (for example, ‘Select the Verti ca l menu’).
A list of buttons, controls, and/or menu items separated by an arrow symbol
(!) indicates the order in which to perform the listed tasks. For example:
Select SETUP (front)!Vert ic al (bo ttom)!Offset (side)!10MHz (knob).
The text in parenthesis indicates the type of button, knob, menu, or form ite m
to select or modify, as described in the following tab le.
Type Description
front Push the indicated front–panel button
bottom Push the indicated bottom–menu button
side Push the indicated side–menu button
knob Turn the indicated front–panel control knob (usually the general purpose knob)
pop–up Make selections or change values in the indicated pop–up menu
dialog Make selections or change values in the indicated dialog box
screen Make selections or change values on the indicated instrument screen