AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual 3-105
The Table Editor
Editing in the graphic display lets you see the shape of the waveform you are
editing. However, changing dat a values in the gr aphical edit mode is a dif ficult task.
The Table Editor lets you quickly en te r or ed it dat a v al ues by us in g a tab le dis play

Opening The Table Editor

By default, the Waveform and Pattern editors open in the graphic display mode.
(The assumption is made that you have already opened a w av efo rm or patt ern f ile.)
Do the following steps to switch to the Table Editor:
1. Push the Settings bottom button to display the Settings dialog box.
2. Select Tabl e in the View field.
3. Push the OK side button.
The instrument opens the Table Editor, as shown in Figure 3-26.
Follow the procedure above to return to the graphi c display mode. Select Graphic,
instead of Table, in step 2.