FG Mode
3-236 AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual
Parame ters
Output parameters The output parameter menu selections are the same for each waveform except
Pulse and DC. Pulse has one extra side menu item (Duty), and DC has only one
side menu item (Offset). In the case of option 02, output level is f ix ed in 0V in the
DC function.
Figure 3-79: Output parameters (except option 02)
The frequency is set with a 4–digit number from 1.000 Hz to 400.0 MHz using the
SAMPLE RATE / SCALE knob, the numeri c buttons or the general purpose knob.
The internal cut–off filter used is determined by the waveform type and the
frequency selected. The cut–off frequencies are as follows; (except option02)