Command Descriptions
AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual 3-197
incr is a value or expression used with the optional step ke yword to define the si ze
of the loop count increment steps. By default the loop cou nte r increments in steps
of 1. The incr can be a negative value in which the loop count decrements steps.
The increment value is a real or integer num ber.
expr is one or more equation expressions that are executed when the for loop
condition is true.
Example for i = nsht to (size - nsht -1) step 1
sp = i - nsht
ep = i + nsht
"TEMP1.WFM" = extract("NOISE.WFM", sp, ep)
"TEMP2.WFM" = "TEMP2.WFM" / nump
Hpf( )
The hpf() statement creates a new file by passing the specified waveform file
through a high–pass filter.
Group Wavef or m
Syntax "output_filename" = hpf("filename1", cutoff_freq, taps, atten)
Arguments "output_filename" is the complete file name (file name and extension) to
contain the filtered waveform data. The ar gument can include a r elativ e or absolute
path name. Enclose the file name within double quotation marks.
"filename1" is the complete (file name and extension) name of th e source file for
the high–pass filter operation. The file must be on the active drive. The argument
can include a relative or absolute path name . Enclose the file name within double
quotation marks.
cutoff_freq is the high–pass filter cutoff frequency. You can ente r th e v alue as a
real or scientific notation number. You can also enter the value as an expression
that resolves to a valid number.
taps is the number of delay elements that composes the digital filter. The range of
taps is 3 to 101. You must enter the integer value as an odd number.
NOTE. Although the start, end, and incr arguments accept real numbers, their
values are rounded off to the nearest integer value.