Operating Basics
AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual 2-7Figure 2-6: Rear panel signal and power connectors (AWG710B)
10 MHz REF IN connector
External 10 MHz reference
clock signal input.
TRIG IN connector
External trigger signal
10 MHz REF OUT connector
The internal 10 MHz clock reference signal is output when th e
internal clock reference is selected. The external clock reference
signal is output when the external clock reference is selected.
The maximum output level is 1.2 Vp-pinto 50 load
VCO OUT connector
Sampling clock signal output.
The maximum output level is
0.4 Vp-p into 50 load
EVENT IN connector
Inputs external event signals. This
signal can be used for sequence
control in Enhanced mode
100/10BASE-T connector
Connect to the Ethernet
Applies power to the standby circuit. In
addition to this switch being on, the front
panel ON/STBY switch must also be
turned on.
IEEE STD 488 connector
A GPIB connector for remote
computer control through an
IEEE 488 standard parallel interface.
Power supply fuse holder
The 10 A fast blow and 5 A (T)
fuse are used for 115 V and
230 V systems, respectively
Connect to an external monitor.
KEYBOARD connector
Connect to a standard PC
101-key keyboard.
Power connector
Connect the provided power
cable to this connector.
EXT CLOCK IN connector
External clock signal input.
An acceptable external clock
signal is
0.4 to 2.0 Vp-p input voltage,
50±5 % duty cycle, and
125 MHz to 4.2 GHz frequency
These C (clock) and T (trigger) signals are used for only Synchronous
operation between Master unit and Slave unit.
The C OUT n clock signals supplied by Master are inputted into C IN
of Master and Slave.
Similarly, the T OUT n trigger signals supplied by Master are inputted
into T IN of Master and Slave.