Getting Started
1-8 AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual
This subsection describes the following options available with the
AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator:
Option 01 (64.8 M Words memory:AWG710B)
Option 01 (32.4 M Words memory:AWG710)
Option 02 (High Bandwidth output)
Option 1R (Rack mounting)
Option 10 (Flash disk, 256 MB)
Option 11 (Removable Hard Disk: AWG710B)
Option D1 (Test result report, English)
Option TDAT (Test result report, Japanese)
Each of these options is discussed in detail in the following paragraphs.

Option 01 (64.8 MB Words


Increase memory length up to 64.8 M word (64,800,000 points)(AWG710B).
Increase memory length up to 32.4 M word (32,400,000 points)(AWG710).

Option 02 (High

Bandwidth Output)

Expand output bandwidth
The product which has option 02 doesn’t have offset and lowpass filter function,
also, main output amplitude of 20mVp-p to 2Vp-p is changed to 500mVp-p to
1Vp-p into a 50 Ohm load.
Option 1R (Rack Mounting) AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator comes configured for
installation in a 19–inch wide instrument rack. For later field conversions, order
Rack Mount Kit (020-2556-00) or contact your local Tektronix sales office or

Option D1 (Test Result


A calibration data test result report will be provided with the
AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator when this option is
Option 10 (Flash Disk) 256 MB Flash disk addition. The hard disk is deleted when this option is ordered.
This option allows 24 hour continuous operation. The number of po ints used in the
Waveform Editor is restricted because of the reduced disk space.
The AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator retains the state of the
front panel ON/STB switch. The O N/STB switch must be left in the on position to
be able to power on and power off the instru ment using t he princi pal po wer swi tch.
NOTE. If the ON/STB swi tch is le ft in the of f position, y ou will not b e able to power
on/off the instrument using the principal power switch or an e xternal power switc h