Command Descriptions
3-198 AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual
atten is the inhibit zone attenuation factor, in dB. The range of attenuation is 21
dB to 100 dB. You can enter the integer value.
Example "filtered.wfm" = hpf("sine.wfm", 3.25e5, 2, 25)
If (Control Statement)
The if(control statement) provides control statements to execute expressio ns when
a condition resolves to true or false.
Group Control
Syntax if <condition> then <expr1> endif
if <condition> then <expr1> else <expr2> endif
Arguments condition is a conditional expression that re sol ves to a logical true or false. True
equals any nonzero value; false equals zero. When the condition is true, the
expression statement is run.
expr1 is an equation expression you want to execute when condition is true.
expr2 is an equation expression you want to ex ecu te when c onditi on is fal se. Thi s
argument is only valid as part of the else statement of an if/then/else/endif control
Example if cc = 1 then
Integ( )
The integ() statement performs an integration operation on a specified file. The
output file retains all marker values of the input file. Refer to Integral on page F-3
for information about the integration algorithm.
Group Wavef or m
Syntax "output_filename" = integ("filename")