The UTILITY Window
AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual 3-169
FTP Link Set the FTP Server to enable you to enter into the hard disk or floppy disk file
system of the AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator from a
remote computer.
Type the following command on your computer keyboard:
ftp <IP address>
Press Return on the keyboard.
The AWG710&A WG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator prompts you to enter a
login name and password. Press the Return or Enter key on your keyboard. The
‘User log in’
and the prompt
appears when you are successfully logged in.
At the prompt, you can use the commands as listed in Table 3-44. These are the
only available FTP (File Transfer Protocol) comma nds for use with the instrument.
Table3-44: Available FTP commands
Commands Descriptions
ascii Sets the file transfer mode to ascii.
binary Sets the file transfer mode to binary. Use this mode when you
transfer a file other than the text file.
bye Terminate the ftp session and exit the ftp.
cd xxxx Changes the current working directory on the instrument. Specify
a directory at xxxx.
To change the drive, specify “/<drive–name>/”. For example, to
move into the floppy disk, type the following:
cd “/floppy/”
Type “/main/” for the hard disk drive and “/NET1/” for remote
file system NET1, and so on.
dir Lists all the files in the current directory in the instrument.
get xxxx [local–file] Receives the file xxxx in the instrument and stores it in the local
file. The xxxx name is used if the local file is not specified
hash Toggles the hash–sign on and off. The hash–sign is printed for
each data block transferred when the hash–sign (#) is set to on.