File Management
3-226 AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual
File Operations
For file operations, you can select Single Window or Double Windows.
In the Double Windows, you can cop y or mo v e a f ile or al l f i les f rom the c urrent ly
selected window to the destination specified by the other window. You cannot
rename, delete, or assign attribute operations in the Double Windows.
The following text describes how to perform file management tasks.
Selecting a Drive Drives include the instrument hard disk driv e, the instr ument floppy d isk dri ve, and
up to three drives accessible from the instrument ov er the E thernet co nnection. Do
the following steps to select a new source or target drive.
1. Push EDIT (front–panel)!Drive (bottom).
2. Select a storage drive from the side menu.
Table3-51: Special symbols used for expressing file path
Symbols Descriptions
. Represents current directory
.. Represents higher level directory
/ Represents top level directory (root directory) or delimiter. If the
slash appears at the most–left position in a path, the path
represents an absolute path. If the slash appears in the middle of
a path, the path represents a relative path.
NOTE. You cannot specify the storage drive as part of a file path name. You must
use the menu Drive buttons to specify a drive.
NOTE. The floppy disk file list displayed on the screen does not automatically
update when you replace the diskette with anoth er one . Select the flopp y disk dri ve
once again to update the file list.