The Graphical Waveform Editor
3-84 AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User ManualTable3-22: Setup general parameters
Parameter Description
Horizontal Unit Specifies the horizontal axis data point unit (points or time) used to represent
the position along the horizontal axis. The default setting is points.
Update Mode Specifies when output memory is updated. In Auto the output waveform is
automatically updated in the waveform memory as you change the waveform
in the editor. Changes are not saved to the original file, unless you manually
save the changes.
Note: Auto mode only works when the file you currently editing is also loaded
in the waveform memory.
Selecting Manual causes the instrument to update the output waveform only
when the contents of the waveform file on the disk is changed by the save
function of the editor.
In Auto mode, you cannot edit waveform while the instrument is reloading. The
longer the waveform, the longer you may have to wait to return to edit mode.
Manual mode allows faster editing when you have a large number of points in
the data file.
Cursor Link Specifies whether to link cursor movement when two or three edit windows are
open. Selecting ON causes the cursors in the inactive windows to be linked to
their respective cursor in the active window. The default value is Off.
If a linked cursor reaches either end of its data record before the active window
cursor, the linked cursor remains at the data record end. This can result in
changes to the relative cursor positions and edit areas between the editor
Grid Specifies whether to display a grid. Selecting On displays a grid in all open
Graphical Waveform Editor windows. Selecting Off disables grid display. The
default value is Off. The grid is not displayed in the Tabular Waveform Editor
window or the Pattern Editor window.
The instrument automatically sets the grid interval.
Interpolation Specifies whether to enable waveform display interpolation when the density of
points decreases due to zooming. Selecting On specifies that the instrument
use the algorithm aX2 + bX + c to interpolate the waveform level between
data points.
Selecting Off displays the data point values as they are. The default value is
This function is provided to display a smooth waveform from data that contains
relatively few data points in a cycle (such as in a disk test waveform). Note that
this function may cause reduction in the linearity of some types of waveforms,
such as a ramp waveform.