Application color corrections
Some applications perform color corrections to improve screen-to-printer color
matching. The TekColor color correction options in the supported drivers adjust
colors in the printer after the application has performed its color corrections.
If the application uses CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage)
colors, the TekColor corrections will
be applied.
If you select a TekColor color correction option in a driver other than None,
the selection may override some application features.
If you try one of the TekColor color correction options in a supported driver
and the printed results are not what you expected, then select the None
option and try reprinting your image.
Select the None TekColor color correction option in a supported driver if
you are using ColorSync color matching on a Macintosh, or host color
correction in Windows 95 (refer to Color Matching or Tektronix’ World Wide
Web site).