Which Macintosh driver to install?Macintosh Driver Features Notes
Phaser 600 (Apple 7.1.2) ■Simple, familiar interface for 7.1.2 users
■Faster foreground printing
■Supports PhaserMatch custom profiles
■Lets you to disable background printing for
printing large files.
■No support for custom page
LaserWriter 8 (Apple 8.3.2) ■Required by some applications (PageMaker)
■Slower foreground printing
■Custom page sizes
■ColorSync support
■No support for PhaserMatch
custom profiles
PSPrinter (Adobe 8.3.1) ■Includes all features of the LaserWriter 8 driver
■Supports PhaserMatch custom profiles
■ColorSync support
■Includes N-Up and Watermark
■Slower foreground printing
Phaser 600 GX ■For use with QuickDraw GX
■Supports PhaserMatch custom profiles