Wwait timeout 517
warm-up, printer mode 35
waste bin 569
wheels (casters)
about 16
locking 32
wide-format printing 2
file, editing 189
Windows 3.1 driver
configuring 109
Features tab 115
fonts 189
Job Control tab 116
Paper tab 115
PostScript Header 116
PostScript tab 116
problems with printer fonts 653
problems with setting page
sizes 650
timeouts 111, 639
using 115
using fonts 189
Windows 3.1 software
installing 51
setting up 56
Windows 95 driver
Details tab 101, 105
Device Options tab 103, 106
Graphics tab 102, 106
Paper tab 102, 106
PostScript Header 103, 107
PostScript tab 103, 107
problems with printer fonts 653
timeouts 101, 105, 116, 639
using 101, 105, 115
Windows 95 software
installing 51
setting up 54
Windows NT 3.5 and 3.51
driver, using 118
setting up a driver 58
Windows NT 4.0
driver, using 119
setting up a driver 63
setting up on a network 65
workstation software
EasyCopy/X 147, 407
installing 78
PhaserPrint for
UNIX 146, 406, 742
PhaserSym 407
World Wide Web 581
downloading files from 429