Windows 3.1 56
Windows 95 54
Windows NT 3.5 and 3.51 58
Windows NT 4.0 63
setting up the printer 11
shipping blocks, removing 21
shuttle 553
signals, parallel port 510
simple color conversions, CMYK and
RGB 213
Simulate Display color correction
description 204
selecting from the front panel 152
selecting in a Macintosh driver 125
selecting in a Windows driver 83
using a utility file 477
SMOOTHON.PS, PC utility file 478
SMOTHOFF.PS, PC utility file 478
SNAP Press color correction 205
description 205
selecting from the front panel 152
selecting in a Macintosh driver 125
selecting in a Windows driver 83
using a utility file 477
CD-ROM 10, 51
diskettes 51
installation 46
network utilities 421
solid-ink 2
solutions, problem solving 596
special printing features 221
specifications 759
standard configuration 2
fonts 183
Standard print quality mode 154
Standard Quality, Macintosh utility
files 477
STANDARD.PS, PC utility file 477
starter paper roll 39
startup page 36, 669
enable or disable 713
from a Macintosh 717
from a PC 718
from the front panel 714
printing 706
from a Macintosh 709
from a PC 711
from the front panel 707
prints when disabled 669
reports error message 669
status reporting
bi-directional interface 508
streaks or spots on prints 616
supplies and accessories 618, 726
Made For Each Other® 727
ordering 729
surge protector 33
SWOP Press color correction
description 205
selecting from the front panel 152
Selecting in a Macintosh
driver 125
Selecting in a Windows driver 83
using a utility file 477
symptoms and solutions 596
Phaser 600 Quick Reference
Sys/Start Job, enable or disable 500
from a Macintosh 501
from a PC 503
SYSTART.PS, PC utility file 503
Ttechnical support 581
Tek Error Handler, using
from a Macintosh 635
from a PC 635
corrections 197
options 155
, PC utility file 635
Color Printer Information
Server 430
ftp server
downloading files from 430
Tektronix Bulletin Board Service
(BBS) 78, 581
Tektronix driver for Windows 3.1
setting up 56
using 109
test print 597
thumbnail image in Print Preview 235