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Installing the Brother Software
1Insert the Brother
2Enter the command for your version of Windows® , if needed:
After you insert the Brother
■If you are using Windows® 3.1x, from the Program Manager, click File, then Run. Then type x:\SETUP.EXE. (“ x” is the drive letter for your
■If you are using Windows® 95/98 or Windows NT® Workstation Version 4.0, the Software Installation program appears automatically when you insert the Brother
■For Windows® 95/98 and Windows NT® Workstation Version 4.0, you can also click on Start at the Desktop, select Run and then enter x:\SETUP.EXE.
The Brother LOGO will be displayed on the screen.
If you are using Windows NT® 3.51 or earlier, the following error message will appear on the screen: You are running Windows NT®
3.51or earlier. Brother MFL Pro does not support this version of Windows NT® . YOU MUST UPGRADE TO WINDOWS NT 4.0 AND REINSTALL MFL Pro!!
If you are using Windows NT® Workstation 4.0 and you are not
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