F o n t s i n Y o u r P r i n t e r
There is one bitmap font available in the DocuPrint 4512:
Line Printer
When the PostScript option is installed, there are 35 resident
Table 4.3 DocuPrint 4512 optional PostScript fonts
ITC Avant Garde Gothic® Book
ITC Avant Garde Gothic Book Oblique ITC Avant Garde Gothic Demi
ITC Avant Garde Gothic Demi Oblique
ITC Bookman® Demi
ITC Bookman Demi Italic
ITC Bookman Light
ITC Bookman Light Italic
Courier Bold
Courier Bold Oblique
Courier Oblique
Helvetica Bold
Helvetica Bold Oblique
Helvetica Oblique
Helvetica® Narrow
Helvetica Narrow Bold
Helvetica Narrow Bold Oblique
Helvetica Narrow Oblique
New Century Schoolbook® Roman
New Century Schoolbook Bold
New Century Schoolbook Bold Italic
New Century Schoolbook Italic
Palatino Bold
Palatino Bold Italic
Palatino Italic
Times® Roman
Times Bold
Times Bold Italic
Times Italic
ITC Zapf Chancery® Medium Italic
ITC Zapf Dingbats®