F o n t s i n Y o u r P r i n t e r
Intellifont | Table 4.1 lists the 35 Intellifont scalable typefaces that are available in | ||
| the DocuPrint 4512. |
| Table 4.1 | DocuPrint 4512 base |
| printer Intellifont |
| fonts |
| |
| Antique Olive™ | Garamond Antiqua | |
| Antique Olive Bold | Garamond Halbfett | |
| Antique Olive Italic | Garamond Kursiv | |
| Albertus™ Medium | Garamond Kursiv Halbfett | |
| |
| Albertus Extra Bold | Letter Gothic | |
| CG Omega® | Letter Gothic Bold | |
| CG Omega Bold | Letter Gothic Italic | |
| |
| CG Omega Bold Italic | Marigold |
| CG Omega Italic | Univers® | Medium |
| CG Times® | ||
| Univers Medium Italic | ||
| CG Times Bold | Univers Bold | |
| CG Times Bold Italic | Univers Bold Italic | |
| CG Times Italic | Univers Medium Condensed | |
| Clarendon Condensed | Univers Medium Condensed Italic | |
| Univers Bold Condensed | ||
| ||
| Coronet™ | Univers Bold Condensed Italic | |
| Courier |
| Courier Bold |
| Courier Bold Italic |
| Courier Italic |
TrueType |
| |
Table 4.2 lists the ten TrueType typefaces that are available in the | |||
| DocuPrint 4512. |
| Table 4.2 | DocuPrint 4512 base |
| printer TrueType |
| fonts |
| |
| Arial™ | Times New Roman® | |
| Arial Bold | Times New Roman Bold | |
| Arial Bold Italic | Times New Roman Bold Italic | |
| Arial Italic | Times New Roman Italic | |
| Symbol | Wingdings | |
C h a p t e r 4 : F o n t s ❖