Manual Feed Guide Loading
Fitting and
Adjusting the
Manual Feed Guide
M a n u a l F e e d G u i d e L o a d i n g
To print sizes of paper that the paper trays cannot accommodate, or to print other media such as envelopes, adhesive labels or transparencies, you will need to feed the media into the printer manually.
If the manual feed guide is not attached to the manual feed slot on the front of the printer, start with Step 1, below. Otherwise, skip to Step 2.
1 Insert the manual feed guide into the manual feed slot on the front of the printer.
It should rest on its support brackets in an almost horizontal position.
2 Place the item you want to print on the manual feed guide, lined up along the right edge. Then move the adjustable edge guide gently against the left edge of the item to be printed.
Proper orientation of media in the manual feed guide is discussed in the
following sections.
C h a p t e r 2 : P a p e r H a n d l i n g ❖