5.Enter a name for the trace file. You can enter the full directory path along with the file name to save the trace file directly to a desired location. If no file name or file path is specified, the file is saved as Trace and stored in the /var/db directory.
Note: It is recommended that the trace file name start with trace_, followed by the name of the trace, all in lower case characters. For example, if the trace name is test, enter the following as the file name:
Note: The trace file is a large file and can quickly fill up a directory. For that reason, the default /var/db directory is the recommended place to store trace files.
6.Click OK to start the trace.
7.Start the printer at the host.
8.Send a job to the IPS. The trace runs on this job. (The throughput speed of the job when running in Trace Mode is slower than in normal operation.)
9.Select Normal Operation from the Trace Options
10. Click Quit.
Executing a captured trace
To execute a trace to assist with system diagnostics:
1.Capture the trace, following the steps described in the section “Capturing a trace” above.
2.Select Trace Options from the Diagnostics
3.Click Offline to disable the interface.
4.From the Trace Mode
5.If you have already given the trace file a name during the capturing process, that name is displayed on this screen.
If you were not capturing a trace file, or if you want to execute a trace file different from the one just captured, enter the name on the line provided in the Default Trace File Name window.
6.Click Apply. The job prints. After the job has completed, the system returns to normal operation.
7.After the job has completed, select Normal Operation.
8.Click Online to enable the interface.
9.Click Quit.
Note: After executing a trace file, make sure to cancel the FSS and restart IPS before submitting any jobs. Otherwise, the output of any submitted jobs may be missing all of the text data.