Bosch Appliances TTCAN user manual Calculation of the Bit Timing Parameters

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User’s Manual

Revision 1.6

In these bit timing registers, the four components TSEG1, TSEG2, SJW, and BRP have to be programmed to a numerical value that is one less than its functional value; so instead of values in the range of [1n], values in the range of [0n-1] are programmed. That way, e.g. SJW (functional range of [14]) is represented by only two bits.

Therefore the length of the bit time is (programmed values) [TSEG1 + TSEG2 + 3] tq or (functional values) [Sync_Seg + Prop_Seg + Phase_Seg1 + Phase_Seg2] tq.

The data in the bit timing registers are the configuration input of the CAN protocol controller. The Baud Rate Prescaler (configured by BRP) defines the length of the time quantum, the basic time unit of the bit time; the Bit Timing Logic (configured by TSEG1, TSEG2, and SJW) defines the number of time quanta in the bit time.

The processing of the bit time, the calculation of the position of the Sample Point, and occasional synchronisations are controlled by the BTL state machine, which is evaluated once each time quantum. The rest of the CAN protocol controller, the Bit Stream Processor (BSP) state machine is evaluated once each bit time, at the Sample Point.

The Shift Register serializes the messages to be sent and parallelizes received messages. Its loading and shifting is controlled by the BSP.

The BSP translates messages into frames and vice versa. It generates and discards the enclosing fixed format bits, inserts and extracts stuff bits, calculates and checks the CRC code, performs the error management, and decides which type of synchronisation is to be used. It is evaluated at the Sample Point and processes the sampled bus input bit. The time after the Sample point that is needed to calculate the next bit to be sent (e.g. data bit, CRC bit, stuff bit, error flag, or idle) is called the Information Processing Time (IPT).

The IPT is application specific but may not be longer than 2 tq; the TTCAN’s IPT is 0 tq. Its length is the lower limit of the programmed length of Phase_Seg2. In case of a synchronisa- tion, Phase_Seg2 may be shortened to a value less than IPT, which does not affect bus timing. Calculation of the Bit Timing Parameters

Usually, the calculation of the bit timing configuration starts with a desired bit rate or bit time. The resulting bit time (1/bit rate) must be an integer multiple of the system clock period.

The bit time may consist of 4 to 25 time quanta, the length of the time quantum tq is defined by the Baud Rate Prescaler with tq = (Baud Rate Prescaler)/fsys. Several combinations may lead to the desired bit time, allowing iterations of the following steps.

First part of the bit time to be defined is the Prop_Seg. Its length depends on the delay times measured in the system. A maximum bus length as well as a maximum node delay has to be defined for expandible CAN bus systems. The resulting time for Prop_Seg is converted into time quanta (rounded up to the nearest integer multiple of tq).

The Sync_Seg is 1 tq long (fixed), leaving (bit time – Prop_Seg – 1) tq for the two Phase Buffer Segments. If the number of remaining tq is even, the Phase Buffer Segments have the same length, Phase_Seg2 = Phase_Seg1, else Phase_Seg2 = Phase_Seg1 + 1.

The minimum nominal length of Phase_Seg2 has to be regarded as well. Phase_Seg2 may not be shorter than the CAN controller’s Information Processing Time, which is, depending on the actual implementation, in the range of [02] tq.

The length of the Synchronisation Jump Width is set to its maximum value, which is the minimum of 4 and Phase_Seg1.

The oscillator tolerance range necessary for the resulting configuration is calculated by the formulas given in section


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Contents Robert Bosch GmbH User’s ManualCopyright Notice and Proprietary Information Functional Overview 2.2. Block Diagram Operating Modes Change ControlConventions Scope References Terms and Abbreviations Can Application List of Figures Ttcan ConfigurationTtcan Schedule Initialisation Ttcan Message HandlingHelvetica bold Change Control Current StatusChange History ConventionsTerm Meaning Functional Overview Ttcan CpuifcCan Message Transfer Operating Modes Software InitialisationDisabled Automatic Retransmission Test ModeTest Register addresses 0x0B & 0x0A Ttcan =1 Loop Back combined with Silent Mode Loop Back ModeSoftware control of Pin Cantx No Message RAM ModeAddress Name Reset Value Ttcan Register Summary Hardware Reset DescriptionSIE CCEDAR EIEStatus Register addresses 0x03 No ErrorError Counter addresses 0x05 Status InterruptsBit Timing Register addresses 0x07 BRP Extension Register addresses 0x0D & 0x0C IFx Command Mask Registers Direction = WriteArb ClrIntPnd IFx Command Request RegistersDirection = Read ControlIFx Mask Registers BusyMessage Number IFx Message Buffer RegistersIFx Message Control Registers IFx Data a and Data B RegistersMessage Object in the Message Memory Dir ID28-0Msk28-0 Xtd26/77 11.11.02 Interrupt Register addresses 0x09 Message Handler RegistersTransmission Request Registers New Data RegistersInterrupt Pending Registers 2 IF1 Data B1 and B2 Registers for Trigger Memory Access Message Valid 1 RegisterTrigger Number MPr2-0 TT Operation Mode Register addresses 0x29Type TimeMark At CycleCount modEecs RdlcTEW AppWdL TT Interrupt Enable Register addresses 0x31CCM BarkSWE CELGTE GTWRTO TT Error Level Register addresses 0x3F & 0x3E TT Cycle Count Register addresses 0x3D & 0x3CTUR Numerator Configuration Low Register addresses 0x57 TUR Denominator Configuration Register addresses 0x59 TUR Numerator Actual Registers addresses 0x5B & 0x5ATT StopWatch Register addresses 0x61 Egtf QCSQgtp EcalSWS TMCDET ECSTMG EPE40/77 11.11.02 Data Transfer Between IFx Registers and Message RAM Internal can Message HandlingStart Transmission of Messages in Event Driven can CommunicationStoring Received Messages in Fifo Buffers Acceptance Filtering of Received MessagesReception of Data Frame Reception of Remote FrameConfiguration of the Module Receive / Transmit PriorityCanclk input Nominal can Bit Time Sync PropSeg PhaseSeg1 PhaseSeg21 Configuration of the Bit Timing Bit Time and Bit RateBRP Propagation Time SegmentPhase Buffer Segments and Synchronisation Synchronisation on late and early Edges Filtering of Short Dominant Spikes 1.5 Configuration of the can Protocol Controller Oscillator Tolerance RangeCalculation of the Bit Timing Parameters Example for Bit Timing at high Baudrate 2 Configuration of the Message Memory Example for Bit Timing at low Baudrate2.2 Configuration of a Single Receive Object for Data Frames 2.1 Configuration of a Transmit Object for Data Frames2.3 Configuration of a Fifo Buffer Handling of Interrupts Can CommunicationUpdating a Transmit Object Reading from a Fifo Buffer Changing a Transmit ObjectReading Received Messages Requesting New Data for a Receive ObjectCPU Handling of a Fifo Buffer Interrupt Driven Ttcan Timing Ttcan ConfigurationTUR 510 125000 32.5 100/12 529/17Message Scheduling Trigger Memory 63/77 11.11.02 Message Objects Reference MessagePeriodic Transmit Message Event Driven Transmit Message Time SlavesPotential Time Masters Event Driven Messages Ttcan Message Handling Message ReceptionMessage Transmission Periodic MessagesStopwatch Ttcan Gap ControlCycle Time and Global Time Synchronisation Previous RefMark Ttcan Interrupt and Error HandlingConfiguration Example Rdlc & TEW & CCM Register RemarkType & Msg & CycleCode RTO , TM , L2 , TTMode3 74/77 11.11.02 Generic InterfaceCustomer Interface Interrupt Timing Timing of the Wait output signalCanclk Canwaitb Busy = ‘1’ Busy = ‘0’EOF