Unit Configuration
Unit configuration allows you to view these unit parameters:
■Unit ID
■Unit Name
■Port Capacity
■Option Slot
■Power Supply
For more information on the unit, refer to “Unit Sta- tistics in Chapter 6.
Setting Up the Unit
1Log on to the Switch 2000 TR.
2Select Switch Management from the Main Menu.
3Press [Space Bar] and select *Unit*.
4Enter the ID of the unit you wish to set up.
5Select SETUP. The TR Unit Setup screen appears. See Figure
Unit ID
The Unit ID identifies the number of the unit for pur- poses of network management. If you are managing the Switch 2000 TR using Transcend Enterprise Man- ager, this ID allows you to identify the unit in a stack. Unit number 1 appears at the bottom of the stack.
Unit number 6 appears at the top of the stack.
Figure 4-11 TR Unit Setup Screen
Unit Name
Unit Name identifies the type of unit.
For example: Switch 2000 TR
Port Capacity
Indicates the number of ports on a unit.
Option Slot
Identifies any module options activated within the unit.
Power Supply
Identifies the power source as follows: