7Click Save.
The Call Pickup Groups page appears and lists the Call Pickup group you
just created. See Figure 70.
Figure 70 Call Pickup Group List
To modify an existing group, click on the appropriate name in the Group
Name column.
You can create a maximum of 100 Call Pickup groups for each site.
Adding Members to a
Call Pickup Group
To add members to a Call Pickup group:
1On the Call Pickup Groups page (Figure 70), click on the Phones link in
the Actions column for appropriate group.
The Call Pickup Group - Assigned Phones page appears and displays the
phone number and name of each existing member, if any. See Figure 71.
Figure 71 Call Pickup Group - Assigned Phones
2Click Assign Phones.
The Call Pickup Group - Unassigned Phones page appears and displays
the phone number and name of all the users who are not members of
the call pickup group.