Route Plan Configuration Requirements 281
â– B1R1 identifies one branch call processor hosted by region 1.
To configure a route from a regional office to a branch office:
1Access the server you want to manage, in this case R1a (see Accessing a
VCX Site through the Central Manager).
The USERS interface is enabled and the Users page appears.
3Add an end point of the type Call Processor that points to B1R1.
For instructions on adding an end point, see Adding End Points.
4Create one route.
BrRoute1 includes the end point B1R1.
For instructions on adding routes, see Adding Routes.
5Create a pattern that identifies calls to the branch office.
A pattern is a dial string prefix that indicates the call destination is the
branch office.
A prefix is created as a dial rule and added to the dial plan in effect for
users at the branch. For example, if the branch prefix is 8, you would
create the pattern 8*.
For instructions on adding a pattern, see Adding Patterns. For
information on dial rules and plans, seeConfiguring Dial Rules and
Configuring Dial Plans.
6Configure a route plan to associate a pattern and a route.
In this example, you would create one route plan that associates
BrRoute1 with the pattern 8*.
For instructions, see Adding a Route Plan.
Calls can be now be routed to the branch office from users located
outside the branch.
Route Configuration
to a Gateway
You need to configure routes from a regional office to a gateway so that
call destinations outside of the VCX network can be processed. You may
also have to configure routes from a branch office if the branch has its
own gateway (for example, the branch office has a 3Com V6000
Integrated Branch Communications system). For branches without a
gateway, out of network calls are processed by the branch’s host regional