Configuring Class of Service 69
To delete a CoS element:
aIn the Name column, locate the element you want to delete.
bIn the Action column, click Unassign.
To enable inbound or outbound calls for a CoS element:
aIn the Name column, locate the element containing the calling pattern
you want to allow.
bFor inbound calls, ensure that the value Whitelist appears in the
Inbound column.
cFor outbound calls, ensure that the value Whitelist appears in the
Outbound column.
To disable inbound or outbound calls for a CoS element:
aIn the Name column, locate the element containing the calling pattern
you want to block.
bFor inbound calls, ensure that the value Blacklist appears in the
Inbound column.
cFor outbound calls, ensure that the value Blacklist appears in the
Outbound column.
To enable or disable trunk to trunk calls for a CoS:
■To enable trunk to trunk calls, ensure that the value Whitelist
appears in the Trunk To Trunk Transfer field.
■To disable trunk to trunk calls, ensure that the value Blacklist
appears in the Trunk To Trunk Transfer field.
To enable or disable call forwarding to the PSTN for a CoS:
■To enable call forwarding to the PSTN, ensure that the value
Whitelist appears in the Forward To Trunk field.
■To disable call forwarding to the PSTN, ensure that the value
Blacklist appears in the Forward To Trunk field.