Managing Calendar Bands 327
6Click Save.
The Calendar Bands page appears listing the added calendar band.
Editing Calendar
To edit a calendar band:
1Click Calendar Bands.
The Calendar Bands page appears. See Figure 131.
2In the Name column, click the name of the calendar band you want to
The Edit Calendar Band page appears.
3Modify the fields as required. See the field descriptions in Adding
Calendar Bands.
4Click Save.
The Calendar Bands page appears.
Deleting Calendar
To d ele te calendar bands:
1Click Calendar Bands.
The Calendar Bands page appears. See Figure 131.
2You can delete one calendar band or multiple calendar bands.
To delete one calendar band, click Delete in the Action column for the
calendar band entry you want to delete.
To delete multiple calendar bands, enter a check mark in the check
box preceding each calendar band you want to delete, then click
Delete Selected.
A confirmation window appears prompting you to verify the delete
3Click OK.
The Calendar Bands page refreshes and the deleted calendar band (or
calendar bands) is not listed.