The Global Directory 43
To list all of the peer regional offices whose user directories can be viewed
on the Boston office:
1Log on to the primary VCX server in Boston using the cworks account and
enter these commands:
cd /opt/3com/VCX/vcxdata/globaldir/bin
The SELECT OPERATION prompt appears.
2At the prompt, enter 103.
The script lists the details for the Chicago and Los Angeles
regional offices.
3Press Enter.
If there is more than one regional office, the next one is listed; otherwise,
you are returned to the main prompt.
Showing the Regional Offices from a Branch Office
You can display the regional office that hosts a branch office.
To list the host regional office of a branch office:
1Log on to the primary VCX server of the branch office using the cworks
account and enter these commands:
cd /opt/3com/VCX/vcxdata/globaldir/bin
The SELECT OPERATION prompt appears.
2At the prompt, enter 103.
The script lists the details for a branch’s regional office.
3Press Enter.
You are returned to the main prompt.
Configuring Data
Collection Frequency
You can specify how often you want a data collection to automatically
occur at each regional office. Any new users that have been added or
edits that have been made on a remote regional office are not visible on a
local regional office until data is collected for each remote regional office.
A regional office collects user directory data for:
Each branch office that it hosts