VCX Configuration Tasks 23
The steps in Tab le 4 are required to set up a VCX system with basic
services. There are many other configuration options described in this
guide. For example, you can also enable the following features on your
VCX system:
■For multi-site systems, configure the Global Directory to enable users
to see the names and extensions of users at other sites.
■Configure an Attendant Console (VCX Model 3105).
■Configure features such as call forwarding, silent monitoring, hunt
groups, call park extensions, call bridging, and system speed dial
■Configure the Call Reports PC-based application to view Call Detail
Records (CDRs) collected by the VCX Accounting service.
Refer to the VCX Maintenance Guide for the following VCX system
maintenance tasks:
■Accounting and Call Records services configuration
■Database maintenance, including backup and restore, and
multi-master replication configuration
■VCX Server management and reconfiguration
■VCX configuration backup and restore
■Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) management
■Bulk user creation through the command line interface
■VCX software upgrade and downgrade procedures
13 Assign a phone to each user. Phone assignment includes specifying the
phone extension, password, voicemail and
MOH access number, TOS, COS, and dial
Managing Phone Extensions
14 Configure each telephone
through its Local User
Interface (LUI).
Programs the phone with an extension. 3Com Telephone Configuration
1Earlier releases of VCX software required you to configure route plans (called URI route maps in previous releases) that identified all
call processing end points. With VCX software version 7.1, this is no longer required. Each call processor in a VCX single-site or
multi-site system running version 7.1 will automatically be able to route calls to another call processor in the system (using the
Global Directory in multi-site systems, which you must configure; see The Global Directory). However, you must still configure route
plans that identify the IP Messaging servers and clients, IP Conferencing servers, and media gateways in your system. See Route
Plan Configuration Requirements.
Tab le 4 VCX Basic Configuration Steps (continued)
Step Purpose Reference