Accessing a VCX Site through the Central Manager 33
Groups, Call Pickup Groups, Attendant Console, and Media Access
DIRECTORY — Enables you to configure communication services (for
example, manage routes and end points). See Chapter 10.
The DIRECTORY main menu option is available with the following
application access roles:
The admin role allows access to all menu options.
The dir role allows access to all menu options.
SEARCH — Enables you to locate a user, a hunt group, page group, or
call pickup group. See Using the Users Search Tool or Using the Group
Search Tool. This option is available to all application access roles
except dir.
PREFERENCES — Enables you to specify how many entries are listed
on the VCX provisioning page. If a page has more entries than a single
page can display, the page includes Next and Previous buttons (see
Using the Graphical User Interface). This option is available to all
application access roles.
MAIN — Enables you to return to the Central Manager page. This
option is available to all application access roles.
LOG OUT — Enables you to end your session and return to the Central
Manager login page. This option is available to all application access
By default, an inactive web session times out after 30 minutes, which
forces the user (end user or administrator) to log in again. You can
change the web session timeout value to extend or shorten the time
allowed for inactive web sessions. See Modifying the Web Session
Timeout Value.
To summarize the four VCX Administrator provisioning application access
admin — Provides access to the USERS menu options and the
DIRECTORY menu options.
dir — Provides access to the DIRECTORY menu options but not the
USERS menu options.
user — Provides access to all the USERS menu options but not the
DIRECTORY menu options.
manager — Provides access to a subset of the USERS menu options.