Managing Phone Profiles 93
To remove member phones from a phone profile so you can delete the
aIn the USERS menu, click Phones.
bClick the extension of a member phone.
cOn the Edit Phone page, use the Phone Profile drop down list to select
a different profile.
dClick Save.
eRepeat these steps for each phone profile member.
You cannot delete the default phone profile. You can, however, remove
the default phone profile designation and then delete the profile. See
Tab le 12 .
To delete one or more phone profiles:
1In the USERS menu, click Phone Profiles.
The Phone Profiles page appears listing all current profiles. See Figure 25.
2You can delete one or more phone profiles:
To delete one profile, click Delete in the Actions column for the
phone profile you want to remove.
To delete multiple profiles, enter a check mark in the check box
preceding each phone profile you want to delete and click Delete
The Phone Profiles page refreshes and the deleted phone profile (or
profiles) is no longer listed.
Cloning a Phone
You can clone an existing phone profile to save time when creating new
profiles. The cloning option generates an Add Profile page that duplicates
the settings in an existing profile but allows you to modify any field value
before saving. This feature is particularly useful when you want to create
a new phone profile that uses most of the settings already configured in
an existing profile.
To clone a phone profile:
1In the USERS menu, click Phone Profiles.
The Phone Profiles page appears listing all current profiles. See Figure 25.
2Click Clone in the Actions column for the phone profile you want to