June 30, 2006 Chapter 7: Second Level Commands
SG1-UM-8500-03 7-27
<source ip address>
This is the allowed network source IP; it must be a legal network IP address.
<source mask>
This is the allowed network source mask; it must be a legal network IP address.
Using the no access-list native-ip command
This command deletes the native IP access list configuration. It deletes the static native-ip access list configuration.
no access-list native-ip <source ip address>
<source ip address>
This is the allowed network source IP; it must be a legal network IP address.
Using the access-list native-ip-pass-through command
The access-list native-ip-pass-through command defines the source IP addresses arrived from a native-ip pipe
that should not pass through the standard native ip path. Those IP addresses should not be considered as arriving
from a native-ip pipe. This access-list is precedent to the native-ip access-list. The maximum number of access list
line is 200.
access-list native-ip-pass-through <source ip address> <source mask>
<source ip address>
This is the allowed network source IP; it must be a legal network IP address.
<source mask>
This is the allowed network source mask; it must be a legal network IP address.
Host(config)# access-list native-ip
Host(congfig)# no access-list native-ip
Host(config)# no access-list native-ip
Host(congfig)# access-list native-ip-pass-through