Chapter 7: Second Level Commands June 30, 2006
7-56 SG1-UM-8500-03
no ip default-gateway
When assigning a default-gateway that is not in the subnet of the primary or secondary Ethernet interfaces, the
system provides a warning.
Using the router command
This command defines the system default routing process. In cases where advertisement should take place and
there is no other higher priority definition, the system uses this definition. The routing modes include Routing
Information Protocol Version 2 (RIPv2) and Open Shortest Path First protocol (OSPF).
router <ripv2 | ospf>
Using the router id command
This command defines the system router id.
router id < router ip>
<router ip>
OSPF router ID in IP address format.
Host(config)# no ip default-gateway
Host(config)# ip default-gateway
Operation Warning:
The default gateway is out of subnet
Host(config)# router
Host(config)# router ripv2
Host(config)# router ospf
Host(config)# router id