June 30, 2006 Appendix A: SG-1 Vendor-Specific Attributes
SG1-UM-8500-03 A-21
adc-avpair = "service:data-quota=5000000",
The service:data-quota-used contains the session's used quota in bytes. It is being sent only if a quota has been
established for the session. It is being sent in authorization requests and Accounting-Stop and Accounting-Off
adc-avpair = "service:data-quota-used=<used data quota in bytes>",
adc-avpair = "service:data-quota-used=5000000",
The service:acl-data-quota sub-attribute defines the service session data quota per a specified access-list measured
in bytes. This attribute enables to define different data quota per each access-list of a session. The POPmaestro
monitors the session to track the data quota usage for the defined access lists. When a service runs out of quota
(access-list quota termination event occurs) the POPmaestro activates the next-service-name if defined (see next-
service-name definition). This is true in case that the service authentication base is set to be service. Otherwise the
POPmaestro activates reauthorization according to the configured service:auth-base value (see service:auth-base
definition). The authorization requests include the service:acl-data-quota with the remainder quota. A
service:accessl-list-data-quota attribute with a zero value indicates to the POPmaestro that the connected session
has no access-list data credit left. The POPmaestro then redirects all the session packets that match the specific
access-list, to the redirection server if one is configured. Otherwise, it discards the packets. When a session is
disconnected or when the service is exchanged, the POPmaestro includes all the service:acl-data-quota attributes in
the accounting messages with the remainder data credit. The attribute may be included more than once in request
or accept messages.
Operation Mode: Access-Request message
Accounting-Stop message
Accounting-Off message
Vendor-type: 57
Vendor-length: 1 - 19 + attribute-name length
Values: Min = 0; Max = 2^63 - 1