On a computer, color information is expressed by combining various ratios of the three primary colors: red, green and blue (RGB). The DZ- 3600U is capable of expressing each of the primary colors in 256 hues (8 bits), which together create a total of approximately 16.7 million colors (256 x 256 x 256) (24 bits) in which images can be expressed.
A grayscale image is one that is expressed in black, white and 254 shades of gray (a total of 256 tones). A grayscale image looks much like a monochrome photograph.
Hyper Text Markup Language: a
Image File
A file that contains image data in a format that can be processed by a computer. At the most fundamental level, an image file is comprised of bitmap information, which is a series of dots (picture elements) assigned color values that are arranged in a grid. There are numerous image file formats, including the bitmap (BMP) and JPEG (JPG) formats, that may or may not use compression and differ in the way the dots are arranged.
A transmission standard for television signals used in Japan and North America. Different standards are used in Western Europe (PAL) and Eastern Europe (SECAM). Since the output from the
The word scanner is commonly used to refer to devices that load the information from