Profile Directory:Remote Profile
Filter Network/Server
Filter Network/Server
This screen allows you to filter the Remote (WAN) networks/servers in two ways, depending on which mode is selected. The <Filter> mode causes the unit to learn all networks/services on known networks, and then advertise these services to the LAN.
In the <Learn> mode the unit will disable or restrict learning of networks/services. Under this mode, services will only be learned if they are selected or added. For example, when you enter the current screen, all known networks/services will be displayed, since the <Filter> mode is the default mode. If you wish to restrict which services are learned you may change the Selected Items field to <Learn> and then enable only selected services displayed on the screen. Once you exit this screen and save the changes, only those services that you enabled and/or added will be learned and displayed.
Since the <Filter> mode learns all services, it may be most appropriate for smaller networks. The <Learn> mode however, may be best for larger networks since it allows you to restrict which types of services are learned.
1.On the Main Menu, press [TAB] until Configuration <Profile Directory> is highlighted, and press [ENTER].
2.Select WAN <Setup -> on the RemoteUnit line and press [ENTER].
CMG Router - Release 2.7 |