Management Window
This window allows the network administrator to manage the list of devices and users who are authorized to perform:
Installation of software
Backup of software and configuration settings (via tftp)
The Router has enhanced management capabilities enabling a network administrator to perform a Code Upload of new software to the router from a central location via the LAN or WAN connection using TFTP. A Code Download can also be performed to save a backup copy (binary image) of the software to a file on a PC. Config Upload and Config Download can also be performed remotely via TFTP to install and backup the Router’s settings to and from a binary file.
There is an additional option to upload code to the Router, with the CLI command
Example: load 5 tftp "rtrall1_10.mgm"
The example loads the software upgrade file "rtrall1_10.mgm" from a
PC to a Router card in slot 5 via TFTP.
CMG Router - Release 2.7 |