Profile Directory:Router Card Profile
Voice Channels
VOIP Algorithm Preference Order - Defines the order preference of voice coding algorithms for VoIP calls, on the specified voice channel(s). Up to 6 algorithms can be listed, in order of preference. This list limits the acceptable codecs for a particular voice channel to those specified. This can be used to limit voice channels that have a modem or fax machine attached to use only G.711. Default settings list all algorithms, selections can be changed to none.
RFC2833 Options
<disable> - Disable signaling in RTP payloads. Default. <abcd> - Use abcd signaling in RTP payloads.
Payload Type
<default> - Will be the value of the DTMF relay telephone event payload type. Default. <number> - Range between
Repeat Count
Set the number of initial RTP message repeats at the time of signal transition. Range is
Note: a repeat of 2 times, in essence is a message, followed by 2 repeats.
Repeat Interval
Set the interval of RTP messages at the time of transition in milliseconds. Range is
Refresh Interval
Set the periodic refresh interval of RTP signaling states. Range is
CMG Router - Release 2.7 |