Profile Directory:Router Card Profile
Voice Channels
<T38reserved> - Fax calls to/from the voice channel are handled using T.38 method (Gateway- controlled T.38 fax relay using NSEs). Since this method
Modem - Sets the modem handling for this endpoint.
<none> - Modem calls to/from the voice channel are handled as normal voice calls. Note: G711mu is the only codec that will result in good fax and modem calls. In this mode echo cancellation must be OFF for modem calls and ON for fax calls.
<bypass> - Modem calls to/from the voice channel are handled using the modem bypass procedure
Signaling Type
<FXS LS> - FXS Loop Start. Default.
<FXS GS> - FXS Ground Start.
Short Inter Digit - Configures the short interdigit user dialing timeout on a voice channel. This is the time allowed between dialed digits when the T or I address template specification is in effect. For example, if the address specification is "xxxxT", and 4 digits have been dialed, this short timeout is in effect. If the timer expires, the call will be routed to the destination. If another digit is dialed before the timer expires, address processing will continue, using the long interdigit timeout. The range is
Long Inter Digit - Configures the short interdigit user dialing timeout on a voice channel. This is the total time allowed between dialed digits after the first, unless short timing is in effect. If the originator does not dial the next digit in this time period, the call is torn down. The range is
Echo Cancellation - Enables/disables echo cancellation as the default for voice calls for a voice channel.
<Disabled> - Disable echo cancellation as the default for voice calls. <Enabled> - Enables echo cancellation as the default for voice calls. Default.
Echo Tail (ms) - Defines the maximum
CMG Router - Release 2.7 |