Profile Directory:Router Card Profile
Voice Algorithm Settings - >
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VoIP Algorithm Fields
SDP Name - Defines the dynamic payload name to be used for the specified algorithm in the Session Description Protocol (SDP) part of MGCP connection commands. The name has a maximum of 16 characters.
RTP Payload Type - Defines the dynamic payload type to be used for the specified algorithm in the Session Description Protocol (SDP) part of MGCP connection commands.
RTP Ptime (ms) - Defines the default packetization time for specified algorithm. The packetization time determines the frequency at which RTP packets are transmitted.
For all algorithms other than G.729a, the setting options are <10>, <20> or <30> milliseconds. For the G.729a the range is <10> through <80> in increments of 10.
CMG Router - Release 2.7 |