Profile Directory:Local Profile
Advertise Network/Server
Advertise Network/Server - IPX Server Fields
This field displays the network address of each learned or configured server. If a server has been selected using the [X] key, “Config Fltr” will appear before the network address of this entry.
The TYPE field displays the Hex value assigned to each known server. When a server is added using [CTRL A], a Hex value must be defined. If you wish to learn certain services that match a particular server type, manually add an entry specifying the desired Hex value. This setting will enable the unit to learn all services that match the specified service type. This field may be used in conjunction with the NAME field, described below.
This field displays the first 11 characters of the name of each known server. If the server is manually added and a server name is not defined, all servers matching the added type will be learned and the first 11 characters of their names will be displayed. If the server name is defined when the server is manually added, then only servers matching both type and name will be learned.
Selected Items
Use this field to determine whether your Adit unit will advertise the information listed on this window to remote units. Valid field options include <Do Not Advertise> and <Advertise>. If <Advertise> is selected, checked items (with X) will advertise to all remote Adit units in the Profile Directory. If <Do Not Advertise> is selected, checked items will not be advertised.
Use the [CTRL A] keys to manually configure a service. When manually configuring a service, the following prompt is displayed:
You must define a server type (see TYPE field, above), however the corresponding server name may be left blank. If a server name is not defined, all services of the specified type will be learned, regardless of the name.
If the server type and name are specified, only server types that match both values will be learned. Be aware that the NAME value is case and spacing sensitive.
Press [ESC] to save changes and return to the Local (LAN) Profile Setup window.
CMG Router - Release 2.7 |