Profile Directory:Remote Profile
Filter Network/Server
5. Select <Learn> or <Filter> and select [ENTER].
6.To Manually configure a service (with <IPX Servers> only) Select [CTRL A] to add a Filter.
Filter Network/Server Fields
Use this field to identify which networks or server types you wish to review and filter. <IP Networks>, <IPX Networks> or <IPX Servers>
Selected Items (Filter/Learn)
<Filter> (default) The Adit will learn all networks/servers and advertise them to the LAN. This mode is particularly useful for small networks with few items to be learned/advertised. Customize the advertised networks/servers in one of two ways; <Learn> or [CTRL A]
<Learn> Under this mode, learning and advertising are disabled until a specific server type is selected from the displayed servers or is manually added. The <Learn> mode is much better suited for larger networks, as specifying which networks/servers you wish the Adit to learn may consume less filters than specifying which networks/servers you Do Not want learned.
[CTRL A] keys to manually configure a service to be filtered or learned. When manually configuring a service, the following prompt is displayed. You must define a server type, however the corresponding server name may be left blank. If a server name is not defined, all services of the specified type will be learned, regardless of the name.
CMG Router - Release 2.7 |