Verification Window
Port Monitor
3. Press [ENTER]. The Port Monitor window will display.
Port Name:
Select the Port Name, by scrolling through the list of (LAN Port, Remote Units) with the
Start Monitor
Use this prompt to initiate the packet trace. Select START MONITOR - > and press [ENTER] to begin the trace. As the transmission occurs, the packet hex dump will be displayed on the screen.
If you wish, you may end the trace at any point. Press [ESC] to terminate.
Trap On
Use this field to define what traps to turn on. <All>, <ARP/RARP>, <ALL IP, <IP ADDR#>, <All UDP>, <UDP Port# >, <RIP>, <STP>, <IPX>, <ICMP>, <MGCP>, <RTP>, <BLOCK TCP>. Note: With <UDP Port#>, a port number (range: 0 - 65535) is entered. With <IP ADDR#> an IP Address is entered.
Number of bytes to display for each packet:
Use this field to enter the number of bytes to display for each packet. The range is
Use this field to define the direction to trace. <Both>, <Transmit> or <Receive>.
CMG Router - Release 2.7 |