Management Window
System Time/Login
Auto-Logout Timer
This field defines the minutes of inactivity before the current session is terminated. The default time is 30 minutes. Type the desired
NOTE: Any changes that have not been saved will be lost when the timer is activated.
View Password
Users assigned to this level may view only, no changes are allowed. The default VIEW password is "public". This field must be unique from the CONFIG and ADMIN passwords. The field may be a
Config Password
Users assigned to this level may view and change all screens. The default CONFIG password is "config". This entry must be unique from the VIEW and ADMIN passwords. The field may be a
Admin Password
Users assigned to this level may view and change all screens, as well as change all three password levels. The default ADMIN password is "admin". This entry must be unique from the VIEW and CONFIG passwords. The field value may be a
NOTE: If the default login passwords are not changed, the user will be prompted, at each login, to enter new passwords at the CONFIG and ADMIN levels.
CMG Router - Release 2.7 |