Profile Directory:Remote Profile
Firewall Filters
Firewall Filters Fields
Rule Number
The rule number defines the order in which the rules are applied. Once there is two or more rules created, the rule number can be changed to put them in the desired order. The Last! rule displayed, is automatically set after the first rule is defined, and states that the Adit should drop any service (incoming or outgoing) which has not been addressed in the proceeding rules.
Action: (Pass/Drop)
This column indicates the service(s) that will <Pass> or <Drop> from the local network to the remote network and vice versa. On the Firewall Filters window the following indicated Pass/ Drop:
! in this column = Drop | Blank column = Pass |
Typically, rules are established with the Pass action, since the last rule (which is automatically defined by the software) Drops all services not expressly permitted by the previous rule(s). For example, if you wish to deny all transmissions except Telnet, you would create a rule indicating that Telnet has the Pass action. The Adit software would create the last rule that states the unit should Drop all other services.
Since any service that is not expressly permitted to pass will be prohibited, it is important that you thoroughly understand the security policies of your WAN before attempting to create a firewall. We suggest that only experienced Network Administrators create and maintain firewall filters. Incorrectly defined filters may compromise the security and functionality of your WAN.
CMG Router - Release 2.7 |