Code | Text | Causes | Corrective Actions |
E1714 | Unknown error. | The system BIOS has | Check the SEL for more |
| Review & clear | determined there has | information and then |
| SEL. | been an error in the | clear the SEL. Remove |
| system, but is unable to | AC power to the system |
| determine its origin. | for 10 seconds and restart |
| the system. |
| If the problem persists, |
| see "Getting Help" on |
| page 167. |
E171F | PCIe fatal | The system BIOS has | Remove and reseat the |
| error on Bus | reported a PCIe fatal | PCIe expansion cards. |
| ## Device ## | error on a component | If the problem persists, |
| Function ## | that resides in PCI | see "Troubleshooting |
| configuration space at | Expansion Cards" on |
| bus ##, device ##, | page 159. |
| function ##. |
E1810 | Hard drive ## | The specified hard drive | See "Troubleshooting a |
| fault. Review | has experienced a fault. | Hard Drive" on page 156. |
| & clear SEL. |
E1812 | Hard drive ## | The specified hard | Information only. |
| removed. Check | drive has been removed |
| drive. | from the system. |
E1920 | iDRAC6 Upgrade | optional iDRAC6 | See "Troubleshooting |
| Failed. | upgrade has failed. | Expansion Cards" on |
| page 159. |
E1A14 SAS cable A | SAS cable A is missing |
failure. Check | or bad. |
connection. |
Reseat the cable. If the problem persists, replace cable.
If the problem persists, see "Getting Help" on page 167.
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