Setting Basic System Information
Setting Basic System Information
Use the procedure in this section to set the following system information:
•System time and date
•System name
•System location
•Contact name (the person to contact regarding this router)
Note: Some of the commands in this procedure accept a string value. String values can be up to a maximum of 255 characters in length, including blank spaces. Surround strings that contain blanks with quotation marks (example: “string with internal blanks”).
To set the system information:
1.Enter the enable command in the CLI to enter Enable mode.
2.Use the system set date commands to set the system time and date. To verify the date and time, use the system show date command.
3.From Configure mode, enter the system set command to set the system name, location, and contact information. To enter Configure mode, enter the configure command in the CLI.
4.To set the IP address and netmask for the en0 Ethernet interface, use the interface add ip command. The en0 interface is automatically created by the system and is reserved for the
5.When you enter commands in Configure mode, the
The scratchpad allows you to make configuration changes without worrying about the order in which you issue the commands. If you change your mind about configuration changes, you do not need to back out of the changes incrementally. You can simply choose not to activate them. As you become more familiar with the
To show the changes accumulated in the scratchpad, enter the show command from Configure mode.
6.To activate commands in the scratchpad, enter the save active command. Enter the exit command or press Ctrl+Z to exit Configure mode. Alternatively, if you exit Configure mode by entering the exit command or pressing Ctrl+Z before activating any of your changes in the scratchpad, the CLI will ask you whether or not you want to make the changes active. To activate changes, enter yes or y.
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