MCF548x Reference Manual, Rev. 3
3-28 Freescale Semiconductor
The OEP can complete all memory accesses without memory causing any stalls. Thus, these
timings assume an infinite, zero-wait state memory attached to the core.
Operand accesses are assumed to be aligned as follows:
16-bit operands are aligned on 0-modulo-2 addresses
32-bit operands are aligned on 0-modulo-4 addresses
Operands that do not meet these guidelines are misaligned. Table 3-10 shows how the core
decomposes a misaligned operand reference into a series of aligned accesses.

3.7.1 MOVE Instruction Execution Timing

The following tables show execution times for the MOVE.{B,W,L} instructions. Table 3-13 shows the
timing for the other generic move operations.
In these tables, times using PC-relative effective addressing modes are the
same as using An-relative mode.
The (xxx).wl nomenclature refers to both forms of absolute addressing,
(xxx).w and (xxx).l.
Table 3-11 lists execution times for MOVE.{B,W} instructions.
Table 3-10. Misaligned Operand References
A[1:0] Size Bus Operations Additional C(R/W)1
1Each timing entry is presented as C(r/w), described as follows:
C is the number of processor clock cycles, including all applicable operand fetches and writes, as well as all
internal core cycles required to complete the instruction execution.
r/w is the number of operand reads (r) and writes (w) required by the instruction. An operation performing a
read-modify write function is denoted as (1/1).
x1 Word Byte, Byte 2(1/0) if read
1(0/1) if write
x1 Long Byte, Word, Byte 3(2/0) if read
2(0/2) if write
10 Long Word, Word 2(1/0) if read
1(0/1) if write
ET with {<ea> = (d16,PC)} equals ET with {<ea> = (d16,An)}
ET with {<ea> = (d8,PC,Xi*SF)} equals ET with {<ea> = (d8,An,Xi*SF)}
Table 3-11. Move Byte and Word Execution Times
Rx (Ax) (Ax)+ –(Ax) (d16,Ax) (d8,Ax,Xi*SF) (xxx).wl
Dy 1(0/0) 1(0/1) 1(0/1) 1(0/1) 1(0/1) 2(0/1) 1(0/1)
Ay 1(0/0) 1(0/1) 1(0/1) 1(0/1) 1(0/1) 2(0/1) 1(0/1)
(Ay) 1(1/0) 2(1/1) 2(1/1) 2(1/1) 2(1/1) 3(1/1) 2(1/1)