Memory Map/Register Definition
MCF548x Reference Manual, Rev. 3
Freescale Semiconductor 8-17

8.4.6 Trigger Definition Register (TDR)

The TDR, shown in Table 8-10, configures the operation of the hardware breakpoint logic that corresponds

with the ABHR/ABLR/AATR, PBR/PBR1/PBR2/PBR3/PBMR, and DBR/DBMR registers within the

debug module. In conjunction with the XTDR and its associated debug registers, TDR controls the actions

23–16 ATTRASID ABLR/ABHR/ATTR ASID. Corresponds to the ASID to be included in the address breakpoint
specified by ABLR, ABHR, and ATTR.
15 RM Read/write mask. Setting RM masks R in address comparisons.
14–13 SZM Size mask. Setting an SZM bit masks the corresponding SZ bit in address comparisons.
12–11 TTM Transfer type mask. Setting a TTM bit masks the corresponding TT bit in address comparisons.
10–8 TMM Transfer modifier mask. Setting a TMM bit masks the corresponding TM bit in address
7 R Read/write. R is compared with the R/W signal of the processor’s local bus.
6–5 SZ Size. Compared to the processor’s local bus size signals.
00 Longword
01 Byte
10 Word
11 Reserved
4–3 TT Transfer type. Compared with the local bus transfer type signals.
00 Normal processor access
01 Reserved
10 Emulator mode access
11 Acknowledge/CPU space access
These bits also define the TT encoding for BDM memory commands. In this case, the 01 encoding
indicates an external or DMA access (for backward compatibility). These bits affect the TM bits.
2–0 TM Transfer modifier. Compared with the local bus transfer modifier signals, which give supplemental
information for each transfer type.
TT = 00 (normal mode):
000 Data and instruction cache line push
001 User data access
010 User code access
011 Instruction cache invalidate
100 Data cache push/Instruction cache invalidate
101 Supervisor data access
110 Supervisor code access
111 INTOUCH instruction access
TT = 10 (emulator mode):
0xx–100 Reserved
101 Emulator mode data access
110 Emulator mode code access
111 Reserved
TT = 11 (acknowledge/CPU space transfers):
000 CPU space access
001–111 Interrupt acknowledge levels 1–7
These bits also define the TM encoding for BDM memory commands (for backward compatibility).

Table 8-11. AATR and AATR1 Field Descriptions (Continued)

Bits Name Description