MCF548x Reference Manual, Rev. 3
6-2 Freescale Semiconductor

Table 6-2 describes addressing modes and syntax for floating-point instructions.

&Logical AND
|Logical OR
Source operand is moved to destination operand
<op> Any double-operand operation
<operand>tested Operand is compared to zero and the condition codes are set appropriately
sign-extended All bits of the upper portion are made equal to the high-order bit of the lower portion
Other Operations
If <condition>
then <operations>
else <operations>
Test the condition. If true, the operations after then are performed. If the condition is false and the
optional else clause is present, the operations after else are performed. If the condition is false
and else is omitted, the instruction performs no operation. Refer to the Bcc instruction description
as an example.
Register Specifications
An Address register n (example: A3 is address register 3)
Ay, Ax Source and destination address registers, respectively
Dn Data register n (example: D3 is data register 3)
Dy,Dx Source and destination data registers, respectively
FPCR Floating-point control register
FPIAR Floating-point instruction address register
FPn Floating-point data register n (example: FP3 is FPU data register 3)
FPSR Floating-point status register
FPy,FPx Source and destination floating-point data registers, respectively
PC Program counter
Rn Address or data register
Rx Destination register
Ry Source register
Xi Index register

Table 6-1. Notational Conventions (Continued)

Symbol Description