Background Debug Mode (BDM)
MCF548x Reference Manual, Rev. 3
Freescale Semiconductor 8-47 BDM Accesses of the Stack Pointer Registers (A7: SSP and USP)
The Version 4 ColdFire core supports two unique stack pointer (A7) registers: the supervisor stack pointer
(SSP) and the user stack pointer (USP). The hardware implementation of these two programmable-visible
32-bit registers does not uniquely identify one as the SSP and the other as the USP. Rather, the hardware
uses one 32-bit register as the currently-active A7; the other is named simply the OTHER_A7. Thus, the
contents of the two hardware registers is a function of the operating mode of the processor:
if SR[S] = 1
then A7 = Supervisor Stack Pointer
OTHER_A7 = User Stack Pointer
else A7 = User Stack Pointer
OTHER_A7 = Supervisor Stack Pointer
The BDM programming model supports reads and writes to A7 and OTHER_A7 directly. It is the
responsibility of the external development system to determine the mapping of A7 and OTHER_A7 to the
two program-visible definitions (supervisor and user stack pointers), based on the SR[S]. BDM Accesses of the EMAC Registers
The presence of rounding logic in the output datapath of the EMAC requires special care for
BDM-initiated reads and writes of its programming model. In particular, any result rounding modes must
be disabled during the read/write process so the exact bit-wise EMAC register contents are accessed.
For example, a BDM read of an accumulator (ACCx) requires the following sequence:
BdmReadACCx (
rcreg macsr; // read current macsr contents & save
wcreg #0,macsr; // disable all rounding modes
rcreg ACCx; // read the desired accumulator
wcreg #saved_data,macsr; // restore the original macsr
FPL6 0x81D 32 lsbs of floating-point data register 6
FPU7 0x81E 32 msbs of floating-point data register 7
FPL7 0x81F 32 lsbs of floating-point data register 7
FPIAR 0x821 Floating-point instruction address register
FPSR 0x822 Floating-point status register
FPCR 0x824 Floating-point control register
Local Memory and Module Control Registers
RAMBAR0 0xC04 RAM base address register 0
RAMBAR1 0xC05 RAM base address register 1
MBAR 0xC0F Primary module base address register (not a core register)
Table 8-26. ColdFire CPU Control Register Map (Continued)
Name CPU Space (Rc) Register Name